Perfection & Imperfection

Perfection & Imperfection are two separated artworks, (2)
they come in couple.
each artwork is 50x70
The first artwork "Perfection" is a handdrawn circle, the white strokes representing the human kind. Inside the circle they are stronger as a family, inside the circle they are succesful as a company, inside the circle they are united as a nation.
The second artwork "Imperfection" is also a handdrawn circle, the white strokes are humans, outside of the circle they fall apart as a family, outside the circle they fail as a company, outside the circle they collapse as a nation.
They are both signed on the back, so they can be arranged either vertical or horizontal.
- Methode
- Acryl
- Motiv
- Abstrakt
- Stil
- Symbolismus
- Träger Material
- Leinwand
- Bilderrahmen
- Ohne Rahmen
- Abmessungen
- 70 cm x 50 cm
(Breite x Höhe) - Jahr
- 2016
- Preis
- 549 EUR
- Extras
- Signiert, Datiert, Unikat,
- Statistik
- 612 Views, 612 ArtRank
- Upload am
- 2016-08-15
- Letzte Änderung
- 2016-08-15
Durchschnittliche Bewertung:
0 Punkte,
0 Bewertungen
Durchschnittlicher Schätzwert:
0 Euro,
0 Bewertungen
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